Saturday 19 July 2014


Love is the shallow end of every tear from your face
Every smile
Love is the shore of every grave
Every long trip
Love is the beat to every classic rock song
The beat that pumps my blood through my body
I love thee with my whole soul
For I do not know how it looks like
But I keep glues of it's walking shadow, smiles, hearts it once touched.

Twice I travel half across the country to see love, seeking it
I later realized that it always finds you,
Sneak up on you when you least expected
In the coldest nights, the longest days

Easily tuck it self into your closed arms, your warm blankets
And for me, it's a juice with many tastes
But one always taste better, taste the bitter out of you, and that's why I envy it.

Love was my Ex
She had a million smiles
And each one of them can make you smile too, can make you laugh out loud, even cry
And all of them were her
Love is the thought that makes me think of no life without her is meaningless
Love is the way I dream about how our kids will look at her when she's not looking
She not one of the most beautiful woman I've ever met, she is the most one
And I loved her

I know you love love
But have I stopped love loving
And I breathed in the future and breathed out the past, I believe I'll breath for long
But I would like to say
"thank you love, for stopping by"

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